Friday 13 April 2012

Pet Peeves

My biggest pet peeves:
1. Saying "swag" and "yolo".
2. When nails o chalk scratch the blackboard.
3. Guys wearing the same snap backs 24/7.
4. When people dress all in one exact color.
5. Clicking of pens.
6. People chewing loudly.
7. Peoples music so loud in their headphone in MSIP.
8. People talking to themselves in MSIP and it's all quiet and I'm trying to do work.
9. Slow reading.
10. Slow typing.
11. Taking forever to make a decission.
12. When people take my food/drinks without asking.
13. When people take something as they're asking.

1 comment:

  1. Gurl, I Yolo down the road with ma swag! All I can say, is I must really piss you off then, becasue as the list goes down, the amount of things that I do on there, go up. But one I will admit that annoys me a lot to is 6. I just take 3 deep breaths, and try to ignore it.
