Friday 13 April 2012

KONY 2012

My opinion on the Joseph Kony issue is that Kony has done a lot of harm and unacceptable things but it has taken people way too long to realise it.  Kony has been kidnapping children and placing them in the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) for years now.  But no one had found about this until this year.  Kony is considered the number one criminal wanted but why did it take people these many years to realise it.  I believe although it is gone so far and it is a little too late now, we should still take this into consideration and put a stop to it.  Invisible Children Inc has created a film documentary called Kony 2012 and has shown the story of Kony and what he has done to the children of Uganda.  Kony is still continuing his goal and is spreading to different parts of Africa and no one has yet to find him.  The United States have sent army troops to help search for Kony but it has made no progress so far.  I think that the film was a great way to inform people about this issue.
Why couldn't we put a stop to this before so much damage happened.  To me it's funny how people can take high quality pictures on Joseph Kony but have yet to find him.  It doesn't all add for me in a way.  I feel like there is information hidden from people.
Also I believe the event of covering the streets on April 20th is a good idea.  But the fact of getting those posters and kit costing so much money, that not as much people will participate in the event. It's better to just make our own posters and help out.  But all in all it's best to do something than nothing.


  1. I never really thought of it but your so right when you say "To me it's funny how people can take high quality pictures of Joseph Kony but have yet to find him." That's sooo true, you just blew my mind. But all in all, he does need to be stopped, but why has it taken this long. I guess really the KONY 2012 things, is a good example of how videos go viral quickly, especially if it's a subject that touching or disgusting...and We know which one this is!

    1. Hahaha thanks and yes he needs to be stopped. But I hate how when it's no longer in the media, people stop caring and it's no longer a concern. The whole Kony story is disappeared and no one cares anymore. It's just disgusting.
