Wednesday 25 April 2012

My Vote

If I could vote, I would be voting for the Liberal Party.  The Liberal Party helps university students by providing them with $1,000 every year.  This will be beneficial to me in the near future.  The Liberals consider all aspects when making laws and so I believe they're very fair and a great choice.  Also by voting for the Liberals, more money will be given to child care plans.  This is beneficial for families and single moms.  More people will get money and can survive with the support.  They also help support forces veterans to get more education.  An education is helpful in life and the Liberals will help provide this for everyone.  Finally, I believe the Liberals are best because they cut taxes, which helps us save money.  My vote would go for the Liberals.

Friday 13 April 2012

Twitter Problems

I feel like there are some people who like to share everything about their life on twitter to the whole world.  It's just so annoying to read some of the most pointless tweets.  I don't see why twitter is such a big deal to people.  I know it can be fun and addicting but when people take it so serious, it just doesn't make sense.  Also there is the occasional time where "twitter beef" starts.  Where a tweet is made about someone or something that happened and people start to fight over it on twitter, forgetting the whole idea that it's on a social network where everyone can see it as well.  People feel the need to get involved in every bodies business and cause more problems.  Some people can be so awfully rude and disrespectful on twitter.  It is all so pathetic and at the same time so pointless and unnecessary.  I sometimes wonder if people ever think before tweeting such harsh content.  Sure people can get mad and they can tweet about it, but to cause even more problems and be rude about it too, it doesn't make things better and it is a total waste of time.  The number one thing I hate about twitter is when people expose information of others.  It's called a secret or something that you don't want to be on the internet and to be forgotten about, but no. People don't realise what they say until afterwards when the harm has already been done.  But on the up side there are the good aspects of twitter which makes it an enjoyable activity.

Pet Peeves

My biggest pet peeves:
1. Saying "swag" and "yolo".
2. When nails o chalk scratch the blackboard.
3. Guys wearing the same snap backs 24/7.
4. When people dress all in one exact color.
5. Clicking of pens.
6. People chewing loudly.
7. Peoples music so loud in their headphone in MSIP.
8. People talking to themselves in MSIP and it's all quiet and I'm trying to do work.
9. Slow reading.
10. Slow typing.
11. Taking forever to make a decission.
12. When people take my food/drinks without asking.
13. When people take something as they're asking.

KONY 2012

My opinion on the Joseph Kony issue is that Kony has done a lot of harm and unacceptable things but it has taken people way too long to realise it.  Kony has been kidnapping children and placing them in the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) for years now.  But no one had found about this until this year.  Kony is considered the number one criminal wanted but why did it take people these many years to realise it.  I believe although it is gone so far and it is a little too late now, we should still take this into consideration and put a stop to it.  Invisible Children Inc has created a film documentary called Kony 2012 and has shown the story of Kony and what he has done to the children of Uganda.  Kony is still continuing his goal and is spreading to different parts of Africa and no one has yet to find him.  The United States have sent army troops to help search for Kony but it has made no progress so far.  I think that the film was a great way to inform people about this issue.
Why couldn't we put a stop to this before so much damage happened.  To me it's funny how people can take high quality pictures on Joseph Kony but have yet to find him.  It doesn't all add for me in a way.  I feel like there is information hidden from people.
Also I believe the event of covering the streets on April 20th is a good idea.  But the fact of getting those posters and kit costing so much money, that not as much people will participate in the event. It's better to just make our own posters and help out.  But all in all it's best to do something than nothing.

Monday 9 April 2012

Todays Meet

I think the chat we had with the other schools on the site about the TED talk was a major fail and a bad idea afterwards. No one really talked about the video. Arguments started between the schools, mean things were said and everyone was off topic. Although it was fun and amusing, some people took it over board. I don't think we should do it again in that way. Students forgot that teachers were actually on it too. Which leaded to swearing and harsh judgement of others. Some students put fake names and said whatever they felt like. So I think it was just a waste of time in a way.

Literacy Devices

Climax: noun - The most intense, exciting, or important point of something; a culmination or apex.

Protagonist: noun - The leading character or a major character in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.

Antagonist: noun - A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.

Simile: noun - A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, (e.g., as brave as a lion).

Plot: noun - A plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful.

Character: noun - The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.

Theme: noun - The subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic: "the theme of the sermon was reverence".

Foreshadowing: verb - Be a warning or indication of (a future event).

Exposition: noun - A comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.

Learning French

I think learning french is a good thing because it helps you in the future and with your career. According to employers, if you speak french or more than one language you have a greater chance in getting a job.

I believe we should all learn french in grade 9 but from then on it should be our own choice whether to continue or not. Learning french is beneficial but it should be our own choice. I think the way we run our school progam at the moment is the way it should be kept. Students can also choose whether to continue french or take on another language the school provides. It's just a matter of opinion.

Peter Braid Visit

The session with Peter Braid was very informative and taught us a lot about the parliament. But I think it was boring and he didn't say any interesting things about the career. Also when students asked him questions, he would minipulate their words and answer a totally different question. He somewhat changed the whole topic around without people noticing. It was interesting to learn about the parliament and about politics and how they deal with things but I think it didn't really tell us details. I thought the talk might have inspired me or others to become a part of parliament. But to me personally it didn't incourage me or interest me in the career.  But in the end, I think it was a great experience to know about the parliament and about the career field.

Guest speaker: author

I think having guests speakers coming in is a great idea. Our class is very quite and we tend to just go along with whatever and we don't really participate in discussions. I think the guest speaker felt nervous and there was awkward silences because no one would ask a question. Although we already had questions prepared, we didn't ask all of them because I think the guest felt nervous and under pressure and I didn't want to make her feel even more nervous. But I believe that we learned a lot about the career from a guest coming to speak about it. It gave us more knowledge and it was very interesting. I would like it if we had more guest speakers come in.

Good vs. Evil

In my opinion, I believe people are essentailly good. We all do good deeds, help each other and want best for everyone. People are very giving and kind. We all have a heart and help as much as possible for charities and donate to many causes. If we all do good things, our society can change for the better. Lots of people take action to change the world one step at a time.