Sunday 11 March 2012

Teenagers Asking Viewers

"What do you believe people think about you?". High school students worry about self image more than anything else because the judgement of others makes people feel good about themselves. People should not worry about their self-image throughout high school because the impression of beauty they receive from the media is false in a matter of ways, can result to eating disorders and peer pressure, as well as giving the false impression of you to people. Now a days the media has a big effect on teenagers that are especially in high school. Students worry about everything from clothes, hair, and facial beauty to popularity and so on. Self image is the main cause of a persons worry. Being accepted is what everyone wants, but to do it in a way of changing who you really are is the wrong impression. The media makes students think that size 0-2 is what is right, which makes teenagers think twice of everything they do. Aside from the perfect size and weight, individuals also take notice in judgement and criticism from their close friends or peers too seriously. Being accepted is a big issue, and we all want it. But is it really that important. Teens also result to suicide because of how harsh some judgements are. It is known that every 45 seconds a suicide is committed. That's a really high rate. I believe that everyone is original, there is no need to change who you are. Why should you ask people online if you're pretty or ugly. That's showing your lack of confidence and people aren't always nice. You're perfect just the way you are, who cares what people say. People judge others because they feel insecure about themselves, so they like to make others feel bad too. But none of that is right, so it all needs to stop. Be who you are, don't change for anyone because people should accept you for you, not for something you aren't.

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