Sunday 11 March 2012

Airbrushing and Body Image

Yes, of course teens are affected by the media. But if you really think about it, the media is mostly false. They make you think that you need to be "perfect" for people to like you. What happened to people judging you by your personality? Are looks really more important than what kind of person you are? That is so wrong. People have changed because society has changed. Now the first thing people judge you by is your appearance. They judge others before knowing who they really are. The media is all fake, they edit pictures of celebrities and make them look fabulous and perfect. But in reality, they look nothing like what the media makes them look like. Why is it that the media edits beautiful looking people into looking fake and no flaws. I never get that. It's so wrong, that every ones minds are manipulated to thinking they need to be like those celebrities. The media has a big impact on teens because whatever happens in the media and people go by, others have to do it as well because they believe that's what's right. But honestly, original is worth more than a copy. So why copy others and think you should follow the media. No person on earth looks like the edited pictures. Be yourself and don't let the harsh media affect you in a negative way. Beauty is what's inside.

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