Tuesday 29 May 2012


I don't understand how KCI can afford to spend so much money on our horticulture and take care of goats and chickens but not have enough money to get air conditioning in the school. The fact that we only have air conditioning in the library makes no sense at all. Why couldn't the school just put it in the cafe where the majority of the people go to? Also if the school were to be cooler, people wouldn't complain about the heat, which would make them more focused on school work. Instead of wasting money on the thousands of posters we make for everything and on useless stuff, we should use that money to make the school a better environment to be in. Having air conditiong in the school would make things 100 times better and help students focus on work. I personally don't see why we can't get air conditioning.

Amy Beamer

I quite enjoyed Amy's visit. I think her job is interesting and I wouldn't mind doing it. I'm not sure I fully understood what her job is, but I do know that she helps out a lot and works with people in different situations. I wouldn't want this as my career but I definitely enjoyed the experience of learning about it. I love to help people but having to do so many interviews and doing all that she does would get boring for me.

Sidney McLean

I think that Sidney's visit personally didn't interest me much. I feel like she didn't have a lot to say and she was way too serious. She didn't make the job seem interesting. I felt bored at times, but maybe that's because I'm not that interested in the career. I think to become a lawyer is way too much work and I wouldn't be able to do that. But if you have the patience and passion then that job would be great for you. But in the end I'm glad she came because that taught me more and made me realise what I'd rather be interested in.

Monday 28 May 2012

Film: Uganda

The film we watched in class about Uganda's situation that happened about a decade ago was very heart felt and touching. I don't pretend to know how exactly the citizens felt but considering the fact that I have seen and heard alot about war situations helps me better understand their situation. I'm from Afghanistan, and there has been war in my country for over 30 years and it is very tragic. Although I've never witnessed something with my own eyes, I do know a lot about the war because of the stories and facts from my parents and relatives that have actually witnessed it themselves. The movie was very sad and did make me cry a lot. It's sad to see that these things actually happen in our world but we are living some where with freedom and peace and don't realize the situations others go through. We, that live in Canada and other developed countries, are very fortunate and I think we shouldn't take that for granted. We need to all help each other, because after all, we are all a part of one world.

Summer Olympics 2020: Dubai

It has always been a dream of mine to visit Dubai some time in my life. Dubai is currently having financial difficulties but it is said that they want to host the 2020 summer Olympics in Dubai. I think that if Dubai were to host the Olympics, it would be the most fabulous event ever. Considering the fact of Dubai's amazing arcitecture, I beleive that they would create the most astonishing and memorable Olympics event in history. It would be a dream come true to even just visit Dubai in my lifetime but to have Olympics going on as well is just an extra bonus. I think I will start to save money for the next 8 years, if possible, to make my dream come true.

Ann Liebau

The visit of the mid wives was very interesting because I had no idea of all the types of things they do and how they're always on call. I actually thought about becoming a wide wife but I could never because you need to be brave and always on call. I would hate to be on call because that would interfere with my own life. But I do think it is a great career.

Melissa Durrell

Melissa Durell was my other favorite guest speaker. At first I thought the two careers would be boring and hard. But I realized how interesting they actually are. I really liked how she was so energetic and didn't bore me. She was very comfortable and really got me engaged into her presentation. I personally wouldn't have the guts to be in those to career fields but I do find it very amusing. Her presentation taught me many things about parliament and what types of obstacles different jobs have. I very much enjoyed her visit.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Sarah Leishman

When Sarah Leishman talked about how it's like to be a social worker, it really got me interested in becoming one. But soon I realised that I'm not that patient to become one. Although I really enjoyed listening to her and learnt about the career, I don't think I would become one. I learnt about what kind of people they help and council with. I never knew all the different types of reasons you could go to a councillor with. I really liked how she played a game with us and included us in her discussion. I think the game was beneficail for all of us and really fun. I also liked how calm she was because it showed how patient and the type of atittude you need to become a councillor. All in all, I really enjoyed her visit.

Scott Wahl

Scott Wahl was one of my favorite guest speaker that came. I liked his visit mainly because his job at RIM is interesting and since I'm a customer of Blackberry, I had lots to ask. I asked pretty hard questions and not all of them were answered the way I wanted it to be. But I did learn a lot about the career and how it's like to work at a big world wide company. Although I'm not really interested in the career field, I enjoyed the talk because it was interesting to know how big companies like RIM work and how they deal with situations. I learned a lot about how businesses work and how they keep a well spot in the market. I already knew a lot about RIM but I had no idea how blackberry's are made and how many they actually sell. His talk was very informative but in the end I really liked it.

Sunday 20 May 2012

FFP Program

I think that the FFP program has its ups and downs. I like how we have class discussions on topics and debate on things. It has helped me gain confidence and to speak for myself. I like how we have a choice on what to do each day and how we mix it up from time to time. I especially enjoy the guest speakers that come in because it teaches me a lot and inspires me. One thing I don't like about the course is how we have to do so much work. We have blogging, essays, projects, civic mirror, book club and all these things all at once and it is hard to keep up with it. If you don't do one thing right away, more work piles on top of it, which makes you fall behind. It is hard to keep up with the work load but I try my best to do things to the best of my ability. I really love the fact that we have no exam. I think that's fair because we do more work than regular classes, so by not having an exam, that makes it easier and fair. I enjoy the class most of the time. I think we should continue this program. One thing I think would be better next year is if you don't include the civic mirror game because no one takes it serious and it's very confusing and unfair to some people. But in the end I enjoy being in this class.